-Offer Terms & Conditions -
- Free Products Offer only applicable on PREPAID orders sitewide.
- FREE product eligibility is based on a SINGLE order of value as mentioned in offer. Multiple orders can't be combined.
- Extra Discount on UPI payments.
- Offer is APPLICABLE on the final cart order value (before any discount)
- Offer is not applicable on any customised or made-to-order products.
- Any other discount code during the offer period will not be applicable.
- FREE Products will be assorted and will not show up in cart/order.
- No Design or Product Selection available for FREE products.
- For Free Products, any claim of return/replacement/exchange for any reason will not be accepted.
- We ensure all the FREE products under this offer are DEFECT FREE.
- If the original ordered item received is damaged or has a genuine manufacturing defect, regular return/exchange policy will be applicable.
- Please note that for any claim approvals, complete order unpackaging video is mandatory. Without it, no complaints will be approved.
We reserve the rights to reject returns, refund or replace the item depending on your return request and return conditions fulfilled.